“El Clasico” threatens Real’s perfection

By Panos Katsiroubas/ info@eurohoops.net

One of the biggest derbies in European basketball will take place in “Palacio de los Deportes” of Madrid on Sunday afternoon. Real Madrid and FC Barcelona will step on the court of Madrid’s arena both determined to win the game for a number of reasons that have not only to do with improving their place in the classification of Liga Endesa, but also with the prestige of both clubs.

Real Madrid reached an unbelievable milestone with the win over Joventut Badalona on Friday improving their 2013-2014 season record in all competitions to 24-0. This is a new all time record in Spanish basketball overcoming the 23-0 record of Real Madrid team in 1960-1961 season, which was mythical number for half a century. The previous year both teams contended in every competition with Real Madrid winning the championship in the fifth and decisive game of the finals and also the semifinal of Euroleague in London. Barcelona won in a dramatic fashion the quarterfinal of Copa Del Rey in the second overtime. This will be their second meeting this season after the final of Supercopa where Real Madrid defeated the Catalans (83-79). Real Madrid is the undefeated leaders of Liga Endesa with an impressive 12-0 record that secured them a place also in the Copa Del Rey 2014 (6-9 February in Malaga) and FCBarcelona has the 3rd place with an 9-3 record.

Both teams have many talented players in their squads and also have some strong aspects in their game that they will try to enforce the one over the other. So here are the keys that every team has to follow in order to get the victory.


  1. Uptempo: Real Madrid is one of the best teams in Europe in transition offense with players that love to lead their team on the fast break. If you have in your team players like Sergio Llull, Rudy Fernandez, Sergio Rodriguez and also forwards and centers that can run the court very quickly like Marcus Slaughter, Nikola Mirotic and Ioannis Bouroussis you can’t but run. On the open court there are very few teams that can face Real Madrid and FC Barcelona is not one of them.
  2. Protect the paint: Most of the attacking plays of FC Barcelona are leading to pick and roll or post up plays with the very talented front line comprising of great post up players like Ante Tomic, Maciej Lampe and Erazem Lorbek. If Real Madrid will be able to control the game, depends a lot on how they are going to limit their activity inside their defensive paint
  3. Sergio and Jaycee: Real Madrid’s offensive game really explodes when these two players find their rhythm in the game. Sergio Rodriguez can run, pass, execute, play good defense, give energy and quick tempo but most important create situations that are very difficult for any team to match. Jaycee Carroll is the best three point shooter in Liga Endesa and one of the best in European Basketball. When he starts to connect with the opponents’ basket is too hard for any defensive plan to stop him. If those two players have the time and space to play their game the advantage of Real Madrid will be huge.

FC Barcelona

  1. Control of the tempo: FC Barcelona has to control the tempo of the game and try to pass the ball to their pivots who are incredible offensive players in situations of isolation inside the opponents’ paint. It is very difficult to match one on one defense with players like Tomic, Lampe and Lorbek. Possibly Real Madrid will give help and double team these situations and with some good passes or overall good passing game Barcelona will have a lot of easy three point shots for shooters like Navarro, Oleson, Papanikolaou and Abrines. Barcelona will increase the probability of winning in a more controlled game and on 5 vs 5 situations instead of running and playing much quicker which is the favorite game of Real Madrid.
  2. Juan Carlos Navarro: In these games Navarro is always one of the biggest factors. In last years game exactly one year ago J.C.Navarro scored over 30points, drained 10 assists and lead his team to a big victory. In all the other games of previous year, Navarro either didn’t play because of injury or played but without being ready 100%  and this was one of the main reasons why Barcelona finished the season 2012-2013 without winning Euroleague or Liga Endesa. Navarro lives for those games and we will see what he will be able to achieve
  3. Marcelinho Huertas: Many people believe that this year Marcelinho Huertas is the only true point guard in the Catalan team. Moreover it will be more than important how he will respond to the press he will face from the guards of Real Madrid. In the Supercopa final Marcelinho scored 17 points, dished 10 assists and helped his team stay close until the final moments of the game despite the absences of injured Navarro and Lorbek. If Marcelinho manages to play at the same level it will be ab extra weapon for Barcelona.

Crucial Match up
Rudy Fernandez vs Kostas Papanikolaou
Rudy is the main attacking option of Real Madrid in parts of creation and execution while Papanikolaou is one of the best defenders of FC Barcelona. The player who will win this important match up will give a huge blow for his teams possibility of getting the victory.

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