Thriller between Zoc and PAO

By Aris Barkas/

Will there be a 14th season for Zeljko Obradovic on the bench of Panathinaikos, or the end of one great collaboration will be written after 13 years? Well, there is not an answer yet, but there will be one probably on Tuesday.

The two sides met and talked, but nothing was officially announced about the meeting. On the contrary, there is the impression that both sides agreed to keep “radio silence” at least until Tuesday. For the second straight time Giannakopoulos family was represented by Pavlos son, Dimitris, and not by him and by his brother Thanasis.

Can this be bothering Obradovic? As he said after his arrival in Athens: “Money is not the issue, there is also a matter of respect”. However, the proposed financial conditions for the budget of the team will not change and that seems to be a problem. After the meeting on Tuesday there will be an joint official press release that will give answers.

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