Zdovc fired shots at Dragic

By Eurohoops Team / info@eurohoops.net

The relationship between Slovenian national team coach Jure Zdvoc and Zoran Dragic seems to be bumpy. In the second game of the team, the win vs Georgia, Dragic played only 13 minutes and an issue was created.

In the first game of the tournament, the defeat by Croatia, Zdvoc used Dragic for 30 minutes. Zdvoc, speaking about his team, explained what he didn’t like: “I can’t say that I am happy from our game. Basketball is a team sport. When we play like a time, everything works right. When every one plays for himself, then everything seems wrong”.

Even if Zdovc didn’t mention directly the former NBA player, the general consesus in Slovenia is that he ment him and that’s why his minutes were reduced.

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