Guduric: ”If you do what Obradovic says, you never make mistakes”

By Eurohoops team /

In his recent interview with Sport Klub, as adapted by AA, 22-year-old Guduric sends out a clear message – if you follow Zeljko Obradovic’s instructions to the letter, you won’t make any mistakes!

Guduric states that he feels the same pressure in Fenerbahce like he did in Crvena Zvezda, ”I got used to the pressure in Crvena Zvezda. In here we also feel the pressure. They told me how things going on here and what Obradovic wants me to do. The organisation in here is amazing. So players can easily focus on the court.”

”Zeljko is a coach who dedicated himself to his work. He is paying attention to details. I haven’t worked with so many coaches yet but I can say that Obradovic is different because of these details”, notes the Serbian international.

Nikola Kalinic had prepared his Serbian NT teammate for what to expect in Fenerbahce, as Guduric says: ”Kalinic told me that I just have to listen what Obradovic says. If you do what Obradovic says, you never make mistakes. The most important thing is to acknowledge what you do in practice and reflect them to the games.”


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