Aaron Jackson declined Olympiacos’ offer

EUROLEAGUE / FINAL-4 2017 / ϓ֐ - ԓӊ`̏ӗS / OLYMPIAKOS - CSKA MOSCOW (LATO KLODIAN / Eurokinissi Sports)

By Nikos Varlas / varlas@eurohoops.net

Olympiacos made an offer to Jackson for a 2-year (1+1) 2$ million deal in total, which significantly raised compared to the initial offer. Still, the former CSKA Moscow guard turned the Greeks down in his final answer.

Jackson has also received an offer from Anadolu Efes, that is estimated at 2.5$ millions for 2 seasons and he has yet to answser it.

The reason behind the delay is that he’s waiting for a possible NBA deal before giving his final answer to the Turkish team.

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