Fenerbahce edged Panathinaikos in a close call

By Eurohoops team/ info@eurohoops.net

Brad Wanamaker gave a three points lead (63-60) with 42 seconds left on the clock to Fenerbahce, KC Rivers missed a crucial shot in the next possession and the hosts got the 67-62 win and also the tiebreaker against the Greens.

Gigi Datome and Kostas Sloukas made four out of four free throws in the last seconds to seal the deal.

The star: Jason Thompson had his best game yet for Fenerbahce with 14 points on 7/8 field goals and seven rebounds, proving to be a force in the paint for the defending champs. He made a great duo with Jan Vesely who returned from injury and had 12 points and 8 rebounds.

The key: The partial score in the first six and a half minutes of the last period was 12-4 in favor of Fenerbahce which got a 59-54 lead. However, Panathinaikos reacted and thanks to a shot by Nick Calathes they trailed by one point (61-60) with  1.40” left in the game. However, James Gist was whistled for stepping on the line in the next possession of the Greens and Fenerbahce finished the game with a 6-2 run.

The hosts managed to finish the first half with a 35-30 lead, but Panathinaikos started the second with a 6-0 run and the game remained a close affair until the end as the Greens close the third period leading by three (50-47).

Chris Singleton finished the game with a double-double (14 p. 12 r.) and Calathes also had a good game with 13 points and 7 assists.

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