Hapoel Jerusalem’s Levi Randolph leading BCL Most Impactful Five

By Eurohoops team/ info@eurohoops.net

The Basketball Champions League Round of 16 is taking shape, with three weeks already in the books.

According to the advanced statistical parameter PIE (Player Impact Estimate), the following players have earned their place in the BCL Most Impactful Five: Hapoel Jerusalem’s Levi Randolph (20.7%), Tofas Bursa’s J.J. O’Brien (15.9%), Howard Sant-Roos from UCAM Murcia (15.6%), Kendrick Perry from Unicaja (15.4%), and Christian Sengfelder from defending champions Telekom Baskets Bonn (14.7%).

Of course, all the mentioned players emerged victorious in their last matches.

PIE shows the percentage of game events that can be attributed to a specific player. Adding the PIEs of all players from both teams gives 100%. Each time a player contributes to a positive game event (point, rebound, assist, block, interception), it will lower everyone else’s score. The score can be negative if the player has not produced enough positive match facts to pass above zero.

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