Eurocup: Khimki, Paris closer to quarterfinals

By Eurohoops team/

Khimki got the 86-84 win over Zenit St. Petersburg in the first leg of their two-game total-points Eurocup eighthfinals series.

Khimki led 53-34 at halftime,  losing a tremendous chance to qualify to quarterfinals from the first game. The hosts fought back. Zenit scored 32 third-quarter points, taking he lead for the first time (82-81) during the last minute of the game. Finally Khimki managed to win the game having Tyrese Rice on a great night (22p., 6as.). Kyle Landry (16p., 10r.) had very good performance for Zenit.

Paris was the other team which made a small step to quarterfinals on Tuesday night. The french team beat Turow 74-71 at home and in this serie, everything will be cleared in second leg in Poland next week.

It was a very close game. Paris controlled it, having a 6 point margin (44-38, 24’). In that moment, Turow fought its way to the basket easier. The polish team made a 15-4 partial score, taking the lead (48-53, 28’).

Final quarter was a battle. Each second, either one team or the other had the lead, with lots of ties. Some crucial baskets from Schilb during last 4 minutes, made the difference, giving the win and a small but very important advantage to the French.



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