ACB attacks ABP as the strike still stands

2013-05-25T16:23:06+00:00 2013-05-26T21:50:53+00:00.

Aris Barkas

25/May/13 16:23

After 10 hours of negotiations that ended just before Friday midnight, the Spanish league and the Spanish players’ union are still at odds. There is no common ground at this point between the two sides and the strike is more than a possibility

By Aris Barkas/

After 10 hours of negotiations on Friday between the Spanish league (ACB) and the players’ union (ABP) in Madrid under the Spanish secretary of state, the situation is still a dead end. There is no deal between the two sides with the league accusing the union that the main reason for the upcoming strike is its funding. As the official press release of the league states: “The ACB clubs have agreed not to resume negotiations with the ABP, which has clearly demonstrated its unwillingness to find a solution to the current problem and work for the development of a new agreement, refusing to seek alternatives to its self financing by stablishing an annual fee (between 350 and 600 euros per player in the first season) among its members to complete the ACB contribution (275.000 euros)”.

It also accuses ABP of making a profit from the league: “The extended term of this Agreement, as extended by the ABP selfishly year after year, has generated a profit of almost 10 million euros to the ABP that their representatives will have to justify some day to its members, explaining the stop of the competitive activity when the ACB has improved the conditions of the Convention at every meeting”.

The reaction of the ABP was the expected one: “One more time, the stubbornness of ACB was demonstrated as the league wants eliminate the main source of funding agreed between both the clubs and the union, ratified by the high court and the supreme court and that, ultimately, has ensured the viability of the model professional basketball for 20 years… we want to apologize to the fans for any inconvenience that this strike might cause”. That means that the play offs of the Spanish league just after Game 1 are in danger if the players refuse to play on Sunday.

The full text of the ACB press release is the following and it has to be noted that the league doesn’t satisfy in full none of the 10 demands of the players: “Given the breakdown of negotiations with the Player’s Association (ABP) in the meeting held today in Madrid, the ACB would like to express the following:

· A sincere thanks to the Secretary of State, Miguel Cardenal, for his will, work, interest and effort in mediating in this conflict. The ACB would like to acknowledge his cooperation and prominent role in the proceedings despite the unsuccessful outcome.

· Regret the uncompromising stance of ABP, that puts the interest of its funding first to the substantial improvements in the working conditions of the players offered by the ACB, specified as follows:

1. A proposal of funding the ABP of 275,000 euros in the 2013-14 season with a reduction of 25,000 euros per year until the end of the fifth year of Agreement with a total of 1,125,000 euros for the five seasons of agreement. The ACB started from 0 euros on this concept in the last offer made.

2. Increasing the wage guarantee fund from 270,000 to 400,000 euros per club and the total fund from 900,000 to 1,400,000 while speeding the time for payment of the amounts. The latest offering from the ACB was 1,200,000 euros.

3. Increase the contribution of clubs to assistance fund (special contribution intended for affiliated players in situations of need) from 180 to 400 euros per player, which represents a total contribution of 460,000 euros.

4. Increasing the amount of the renewal of the contracts of the players from 55-65% to 75-80% of their final salary.

5. Involving all players in the agreement (to date, foreigners were excluded).

6. Halve the right of first refusal deadlines from 70 to 35 days and stop this right if the club owes more than 15% of the player’s salary. Also, limit to 3 the number of refusals and give up this right when the player opts out of his current contract unilaterally.

7. Accepting the minimum wages by age sought by the ABP. These representing, in the first two blocks, an increase of 14%.

8. Include a new provision of occupational disability for cases of serious illness or injury that impedes the player to further develop his career.

9. Establish the term of the agreement for four seasons extended to five.

· The ACB clubs have agreed not to resume negotiations with the ABP, which has clearly demonstrated its unwillingness to find a solution to the current problem and work for the development of a new agreement, refusing to seek alternatives to its self financing by stablishing an annual fee (between 350 and 600 euros per player in the first season) among its members to complete the ACB contribution (275,000).

· The ACB believes the ABP decision to go ahead with this strike is nonsense and harms Spanish basketball. It has therefore decided to move forward with already scheduled Playoff matches normally.

· The ACB is doing what it should do, and that’s apply common sense to the negotiation of a collective agreement that is in automatic extension situation since 1997 in a moment of severe economic crisis. The extended term of this Agreement, as extended by the ABP selfishly year after year, has generated a profit of almost 10 million euros to the ABP that their representatives will have to justify some day to its members, explaining the stop of the competitive activity when the ACB has improved the conditions of the Convention at every meeting”.
