Samuels confirmed and then erased!

2015-07-17T11:49:46+00:00 2015-07-17T11:49:46+00:00.

Aris Barkas

17/Jul/15 11:49

As “El Mundo Deportivo” has reported, Samardo Samuels was waiting to sign with Barcelona. Apparently he did, but he rushed to announce it. Samuels posted in his instragram the photo of him signing his contract, but after some minutes he erased it

By Aris Barkas/

As “El Mundo Deportivo” has reported, Samardo Samuels was waiting to sign with Barcelona. Apparently he did, but he rushed to announce it.  Samuels posted in his instragram the photo of him signing his contract, but after some minutes he erased it.

Probably the Catalans want to make the announcement themselves, but the cat is already out of the bag. Samuels is completing an admirable front line which also includes Ante Tomic and Shane Lawal.