Brown: “Saric can play now in the NBA”

2014-09-07T13:29:52+00:00 2015-02-09T22:04:04+00:00.

Aris Barkas

07/Sep/14 13:29

Eurohoops had the pleasure to meet the coach of the NBA team, Brett Brown. He spoke about Saric, who he considers ready for the NBA, the Greek national team, international basketball and of course, every one’s favorite Greek in the NBA, Giannis Antetokounmpo

By Rigas Dardalis/

The trio of young guns Michael-Carter Williams, Nerlens Noel and Joel Embiid traveled all the way to Seville in order to meet their future teammate Dario Saric. The tournament already ended for the talented Croat, however his career is just starting and the Sixers are waiting great things from him.

Eurohoops had the pleasure to meet the coach of the NBA team, Brett Brown, who also was in Seville and met with his future player. He spoke about Saric, who he considers ready for the NBA, the Greek national team, international basketball and of course, every one’s favorite Greek in the NBA, Giannis Antetokounmpo.

– Were you impressed by what you saw by Dario Saric?

“You get so impressed with his toughness, his presence. He plays the game in a physical way that is very endearing to the coaching stuff, to our players who came all this way to see him. There’s a skill package tied into a presence that we think makes him very special”.

– How long do you think Dario needs in order to become an NBA player?

“I think he can play now! I think that in Philadelphia we are about development and about opportunity. He would look around and see a lot of fellow young players that just want a chance to play. Our whole emphasis in Philadelphia is about development and help our players. We are trying to be as good as we can be in sport science and growing up players physically and from a skill perceptive. He is an other one of our young lottery picks that we hope to grow the program with”.

– What’s your opinion about the (unbeaten in group phase) Greek team?

“I think they are good! I miss international basketball. I have had the great opportunity (ed.note: as the head coach and assistant coach of the Australian national team) to go to three Olympic Games and two World Championships and this situation, this scene is one that I miss. To come here and see the Greek team play, the Argentinians who I know well, to watch Croatia with Dario… I think the Greek team is right on track, they are well coached and I think they have a very good team”.

– And your impression about Giannis Antetokounmpo?

“I think he is a stud. You immediately see his length and his physical qualities. When you project that out as he grows, he becomes stronger and his skill becomes more refined, I think he is really, really good”.
