
02 Nov 2015 February 1, 2017


Dorsal 2

Position Forward

Height 1.91

Nationality United States of America

Euroleague 2021-22 Statistics

  Rebounds Blocks Fouls
Player G Min Pts 2FG 3FG FT O D T As St To Fv Ag Cm Rv PIR
Totals 9 306:36 176 33/68 25/57 35/44 2 20 22 25 7 17 0 10 16 37 148
Averages 9 34:04 19.6 48.5% 43.9% 79.5% 0.2 2.2 2.4 2.8 0.8 1.9 - - 1.8 4.1 16.4
object(stdClass)#55380 (28) { ["name"]=> string(16) "FREEMAN, ALLERIK" ["height"]=> float(1.91) ["birthdate"]=> string(16) "30 October, 1994" ["country"]=> string(24) "United States of America" ["clubcode"]=> string(3) "BBU" ["clubname"]=> string(22) "Frutti Extra Bursaspor" ["dorsal"]=> int(2) ["position"]=> string(7) "Forward" ["score"]=> float(19.6) ["timeplayed"]=> string(5) "34:04" ["valuation"]=> float(16.4) ["totalrebounds"]=> float(2.4) ["offensiverebounds"]=> float(0.2) ["defensiverebounds"]=> float(2.2) ["assistances"]=> float(2.8) ["steals"]=> float(0.8) ["turnovers"]=> float(1.9) ["blocksagainst"]=> float(1.1) ["blocksfavour"]=> int(0) ["fieldgoals2percent"]=> string(5) "48.5%" ["fieldgoals3percent"]=> string(5) "43.9%" ["freethrowspercent"]=> string(5) "79.5%" ["foulscommited"]=> float(1.8) ["foulsreceived"]=> float(4.1) ["career"]=> NULL ["misc"]=> NULL ["stats"]=> object(stdClass)#55392 (1) { ["accumulated"]=> object(stdClass)#55393 (2) { ["season"]=> object(stdClass)#55394 (21) { ["gamesplayed"]=> int(9) ["timeplayed"]=> string(6) "306:36" ["score"]=> int(176) ["fieldgoalsmade2"]=> int(33) ["fieldgoalsmade3"]=> int(25) ["freethrowsmade"]=> int(35) ["fieldgoalsattempted2"]=> int(68) ["fieldgoalsattempted3"]=> int(57) ["freethrowsattempted"]=> int(44) ["offensiverebounds"]=> int(2) ["defensiverebounds"]=> int(20) ["totalrebounds"]=> int(22) ["assistances"]=> int(25) ["steals"]=> int(7) ["turnovers"]=> int(17) ["blocksagainst"]=> int(10) ["blocksfavour"]=> int(0) ["foulscommited"]=> int(16) ["foulsreceived"]=> int(37) ["valuation"]=> int(148) ["code"]=> string(5) "U2021" } ["phases"]=> object(stdClass)#55395 (1) { ["phase"]=> object(stdClass)#55396 (21) { ["gamesplayed"]=> int(9) ["timeplayed"]=> string(6) "306:36" ["score"]=> int(176) ["fieldgoalsmade2"]=> int(33) ["fieldgoalsmade3"]=> int(25) ["freethrowsmade"]=> int(35) ["fieldgoalsattempted2"]=> int(68) ["fieldgoalsattempted3"]=> int(57) ["freethrowsattempted"]=> int(44) ["offensiverebounds"]=> int(2) ["defensiverebounds"]=> int(20) ["totalrebounds"]=> int(22) ["assistances"]=> int(25) ["steals"]=> int(7) ["turnovers"]=> int(17) ["blocksagainst"]=> int(10) ["blocksfavour"]=> int(0) ["foulscommited"]=> int(16) ["foulsreceived"]=> int(37) ["valuation"]=> int(148) ["code"]=> string(2) "RS" } } } } ["team"]=> object(stdClass)#51650 (1) { ["teamLogo"]=> string(76) "" } }

